Untitled Indignance

Thursday, September 20th, 2007 UTC

Nature, by definition, refers to any thing or doing of the natural world. From a scientific point of view, the natural world would be considered the rocks, plants, and animals that are found in our environment. To Emerson, nature is an everlasting component of life that is always molding our state of mind, portraying our feelings and affecting our emotions. Similar to what poets, artists, writers and politicians do, naturalists observe changes in their surroundings and try to explain them and put them to use for the rest of the world. In both ancient Greece and Rome, elements of nature have been portrayed as gods. What better admiration than to be considered divine? Even in our modern world, humans are constantly trying to recreate nature. Was the invention of the swimming pool not a more conveniently located imitation of an ocean or lake? Recreation centers hold urban versions of rock climbing and aerobic machines meant to impersonate hiking a mountain. This is a cosmopolitan’s way of connecting with nature between signing business deals and taking coffee breaks.

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Vers Libre

Monday, September 17th, 2007 UTC

A thunder tears the horizon,
a second spans throughout infinity
and the mighty beast, tamed, vanishes.
Once unconquerable, it is engulfed in an abyss;
diminished by the shadows of its own grandeur.
As fast as it came, it is now gone;
ephemeral, it dies without a past or future,
never to be seen again.